Just as the scraggly jack pine tree is a pioneer in an area ravaged by a forest fire, the individuals that helped bring Jack Pine Brewery to fruition are pioneers in a craft beer wasteland. To this, we give a nod of respect and raise a pint to those worthy of thanks.
Many helped in other ways, but most contributed to our Kickstarter campaign. Check out our Kickstarter Page to see the story when the brewery was just a dream in a garage.
Our sincerest thanks to those that believed in the brewery before it came to be.
Dale and Sherrie Christensen
Doug and Gail Sundberg
Ron Soukup
Frank E. Soukup, Jr.
Jesse Hopkins, AIA
Ron Hensel
Chad & Tessa Haugen, Haugen Services LLC
The Farm on St. Mathias
Steve and Laurie Daiken
Erica Tangen
Kurt & Patti Drewelow
Eric Fornshell
Erik Sjoberg
Brett Doebbeling
Zach Barker
Nate Phillipps & Sarah Cooper
Cassie and Tim Spitzley
Corey & Shana Krantz
Brandon and Shelby Bollig
Justin & Candace Francis
Chad White & Darcie DeFoe
Kevin Anderson
Sue Anderson
Terry Sarne
Nate Schrank
John Zender
Wayne Kohnen
Bryce Johnson
Tyler Spaulding
Nathan and Deb Saetveit
Arlo and Virgie Zepper
Randy and Katie Lee
Darrel Herbst
Lindsay Matts
Nathaniel Chapman
Mike C. Paulus
Al Boyce
Tim Fuerstenberg
Jeremy Poissant
Eric Wentling
Grant Swenson
Amber & Larissa Zepper
Tim Zepper
Susan Truitt
Bruce LeBlanc
Nathan Vanderby
Dan and Jodi Slick
Matt Freund
Kieran C. Moore
Terry Zwart
Steve Klicker
Tom Roan and
Nancy Bowser
Jane Winter
Jon Loss
Mike Spencer
Bob and Susan Ruud
Andrew Happel
Michael Isley
Andy Schmidt
Jen Schultz
Steven Mathistad
Jim Imbertson
Kay Skiba
Brad and Mary Schmidt
Scott French
Ryan D Goble
Erik & Melissa Saice
Rob Larson
Mike Richards
Scott Wermter
Lonnie “Captain” Smith
John Bullock
J.P. Eidel
Eric & Stacy LeDoux
Dylan Erickson
Dale Espeland
Melinda Otto Neville
Spencor Loehrer
Joel Rakoski
Jon “JD” Hovland
Chris & Cindy Magnussen
Gary Johnson
Jade Nielsen
Grant R. Bingham III
Mark Bjornstad
Darin Montplaisir
Bryan Rabe
Jesse Feigum
Brett Glenna
Tyler & Megan Cooper
Mason Montplaisir
Heather Waye
Peter Dolan
Matthew and Shawna Gasparini
Karen and Micah Mohler
Christopher Fink
Kevin Pelto
Kayla Ziemke
Josh Reed
Craig & Kari Reiman
Terry Ditty
Matt Goshey
Abe McEathron
Bryce A.D. Ehrman
Doug Yoder
Dick Carlson
Jarrett Swanson
Stephanie Swanson
Joe Leuthner
Gabe Doring
Andrew Bettino
Larry Halbach
Danielle Shaw
James and Jean Michael
Watch City Brewing Co. Waltham Ma
Ross Otto – Northern Lights Wine Club
Knight & Gunner Brewing Company
Bemidji Brewing Company
Jill @ Liv’nGood Jewelry
In memory of Ceej T
Carole & Denny Bollig
Christopher DiMuro
Geoff Gorvin
Stefan Vilpula
Gerald Weigel
Chuck Perkins
Gary Shuler
Dave Batcheller
Craig Brown
Charlie Rohwer
Jason Jerabek
Dean Rossow
Emily Charpentier
Elissa Hansen
Marlon Rodriguez
Boomer Moritko
Bob Mergaert
Eric Schuld
Dave Truett
Jake Krohn
Danny Anderson
Christine Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz
Leigh Erin Ward
Ken Gabel
Tim Wesemann
David Duffey
Dave Trautmann
Robert Ochsner
Joe C Hensel
Nick Stromme
Geoff Schaffer
Walt Pittack
Russell Cattelan
Joel Ebbers
Christine Desmond
Ben Brausen
Tony Nelson
Dave @ LandOfSkyBeerWaters.com
Dave Bowers, Old Bunny Brewing
Chester River Brewing Company
Luke and Amanda Davis
Joe & Stephanie Moody
Courtney Covey Lewis
Charles Miller, CTB
Gera Exire LaTour